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Ladybug Pride

LGBTQ+ Youth Mental Health -
PhotoVoice Project

Principal Investigator: Sarah L. Goff, MD, PhD


Study Years: 2022 - present

This youth participatory action research (YPAR) study aims to develop a better understanding of factors that positively and negatively affect mental health for youth who identify as LGBTQ+. The project's aim is to identify modifiable factors that interventions to reduce mental health risk may be built around. This project engages youth as researchers to explore their research questions, using photovoice methods as a tool for discovery, discussion, and action.


Photovoice is a research method often used in health promotion research in which community participant-researchers are tasked with taking photographs in response to research prompts they develop. These visual representations are then shared and discussed as participants reflect on the reasons, emotions, and experiences that led them to these photos. Participants use their findings to take action in their communities.  

Sarah L. Goff, MD, PhD

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